Why you should use our tools

We can guarantee you great savings when replacing your sharpened, worn-out, “finished” blades. As you know that each sharpening of the blade lowers the cutting face until it becomes lower than the shoulder of your float, marking the end of its usable life, and time to replace it with a new rasp.

With our patented “DOVETAIL” RAIL SYSTEM, we can take that same rasp, and, after converting it to our “DOVETAIL” rail system, enable it to be sharpened a further 5 to 10 times, (depending on its original condition), using our special Adaptor (Picture above) it will fit your Box Type Float.

With our patented “DOVETAIL” RAIL SYSTEM, we can take that same rasp, and, after converting it to our “DOVETAIL” rail system, enable it to be sharpened a further 5 to 10 times, (depending on its original condition), using our special Adaptor (Picture above) it will fit your Box Type Float.

There is a nominal charge for conversion of the rasp. The rasp will now fit ANY Lem Equine Tools FLOAT, guaranteeing not only an EXTRA 5 to 10 sharpenings of converted rasps, but allowing the use of ANY Lem Equine Tools RASP you choose.

A patented Adaptor, at a nominal charge will take on the converted blade and fit into your Box Type Float.

Picture – our float with our rasp.


If you are currently using “DISPOSABLE” rasps:
The same conditions apply as above. Up to 5 EXTRA sharpenings on converted “DISPOSABLE” rasp which fit the Lem Equine Tools “DOVETAIL” RAIL SYSTEM are guaranteed using our float or your your Box Type Float with an adaptor.

Picture – our float with our rasp.


If you are currently using “DISPOSABLE” rasps:
The same conditions apply as above. Up to 5 EXTRA sharpenings on converted “DISPOSABLE” rasp which fit the Lem Equine Tools “DOVETAIL” RAIL SYSTEM are guaranteed using our float or your your Box Type Float with an adaptor.

If you are currently using “STICK-ON” rasps:
Any available make of “STICK-ON” rasp-head can be converted to fit our Lem Equine Tools “DOVETAIL” RAIL SYSTEM, or by means of the patented Adaptor, they will fit your existing “box-type” float.

The ideal match is, of course, a Lem Equine Tools FLOAT which accepts either any Lem Equine Tools or any other converted rasp-head immediately, resulting them in even more sharpenings.

This combination guarantees an EXTRA 5 to 10 sharpenings per rasp-head.

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